
Star wars galaxy of heroes allies
Star wars galaxy of heroes allies

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star wars galaxy of heroes allies

Strategy: similar to other Exe lineups, this relies heavily on debuffing your opponents. Seen 43 If you are seeking to stop this counter, the best way is with: a 160% Tenacity Malak a 60k Health Bastilla (Fallen). Call in Sun Fac asap, then wreak havoc with assists from behind the super tanky Hound’s Tooth, Frontline: Hound’s Tooth, Anakin’s Eta-2 Starfighter & Plo Koon’s Jedi Starfighter, Reinforcements: Umbaran Starfighter, Ahsoka Tano’s Jedi Starfighter +2, Strategy: The aim of this fleet is to hide Anakin behind Hound’s Tooth and use Anakin’s Galactic Republic synergy to empower Plo, Fives and Ahsoka to deal massive extra damage.

Star wars galaxy of heroes allies